Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Review: Only for Him (Only #1) by Cristin Harber

Grayson Ford and Emma Kinglsey—close since they were kids, opposites in every way. He’s the stuff high school crushes are made of, Mister Popular, and captain of every team. She’s artsy, cute, and not in his league, though fully aware of Summerland’s "I Dream of Dating Grayson Ford" support group.

I can’t say no. The girl’s had my heart since before I knew it went missing.

He hides a life of hell. His father hates him, his mother’s gone. Emma is his only savior, yet she doesn’t know her power over him. She’s the only girl he wants, the only one he could ever tell—though he won’t.

I’m stronger, bigger, more of a man than he’ll ever be, but because I ruined his life, I’ve taken his crap, his attacks, the vulgar nature of his existence.

Until she discovers Gray’s embarrassment, his humiliation. Emma fights for him, for a chance. Theirs is a Cinderella story that she believes impossible. But as the layers peel back, it’s just a guy who needs a girl in order to keep breathing.

My mind is already doodling Mrs. Grayson Ford in imaginary notebooks. He has no clue where my head is at… But, given that I didn’t see what just happened coming, maybe I have no clue where his head is at either.

First. Of. All. It would be super appreciated if someone would have let me know that this was a NOVELLA!! Fine. Maybe it was listed on it's Goodreads page and on the Netgalley page but how in the world was I supposed to pay attention to one little word down at the bottom of the page when the blurb for this was so utterly amazing?!? I can't be expected to pay attention after reading a great summary. It just won't happen. 

Whew. This was one amazing novella. Oh! Let me tell you when I realized that it was a novella ... this is a funny little story ... yeah ... it was when the damn thing ended and I wanted to know what in the world happened!!! Total bullshit. Okay, fine. The story isn't bullshit. The fact that the novel wasn't complete was bullshit. I mean, it was JUST getting so good and then there was an advertisement for the next portion of the series. Man, was I hot. I got really mad! I was so mad because the story was incredibly good. I was being a greedy reader and I wanted more. MORE, I say!

There is so much more to say but any little detail could spoil the surprises within the pages. I just can't do that to you! I want you to go in as blind as I did ... well, maybe not THAT blind. You'll know that it's a novella (you're welcome). 

The story itself was so good. It was nice to read something about a girl pushing for a relationship and a guy holding back, such a nice change. This is a love story that you won't be able to get enough of .... it's full of heartbreak, elation, turmoil, sadness, impossible odds and the idea of forever. It's a story that I will find myself reading again and for once, I'm actually stoked to see what happens next in a series. This is one that I HAVE to know what happens next. I'll be first in line to get #2 when it comes out.

Available February 24th, 2015!!

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