Sunday, December 13, 2015

Book Review: A Forever Kind of Love (Choices #2) by Ellie Wade

Book Two: Jax’s Story

I believe in soul mates. Why? Because I have one and her name is Lily Madison.

I’ve loved Lily my whole life; she’s all I’ve ever known. I didn’t realize how deeply she was ingrained into the fabric of my soul until I felt her absence.

Sometimes in life, once choices are made and paths are altered, it is often impossible to go back.

I know this because I stand here with a two-carat engagement ring in my hand, waiting to ask someone to be my wife. I’m ready to love and cherish her ‘til death do us part. But, there’s just one problem.

She isn’t Lily.

Will the choices that have been made change our path forever or can fate find its way? 


This is the second book in the Choices series by Ellie Wade. I enjoyed reading the first book so incredibly much that I jumped onto Amazon the moment that I finished it and used some of my (much coveted) credit on Amazon to purchase this one. I've had these credits for over 2 years and I've been hording them like a weirdo just waiting for the right books to use them on and I'm glad that I chose to finish up this series with them. I'll be honest ... when I was buying it online, I was absolutely floored to see that the rating was so low for A Forever Kind of Love. I just couldn't wrap my head around it. The first novel was so good ... did the author botch this one or were the readers just so pissed off that the novel didn't play out as they would have wanted it to? I had to fight myself to not read any reviews before I started it. I didn't want any transference from someone else altering my own personal thoughts on the book. 

I'm glad that I didn't shy away from it because of the rating. This ended up being a really heartfelt, sorrowful and compassionate novel. Did it go how I wanted it to? Well, no. Sometimes it straight-up sucked and Wade ripped my heart out numerous times within these pages. Throughout the book, I felt like I was going through the stages of grief ... I told myself that this couldn't actually be happening and then I was just pissed. Man, was I pissed. I even started bargaining with Wade in my head ... begging her to please let things end another way and I promised that I would read her other books if it did (which it didn't, BTW, but I'll probably still read  her other books). Then I hit the depression stage where I just didn't want to read any more because I didn't think that I could take it but then the more that I read, the more okay I became with how things were playing out. It wasn't my "perfect scenario" that I had concocted and wanted to happen between Lily and Jax but it was true to the characters and how they were created by Wade. I can't imagine this book taking a different course through the storyline. It needed to happen the way that it did and in the end, it became a stronger book because of it. 

All of that being said ... I did find that some parts were just a bit wordy ... it felt long-winded and I had to stop myself a few times from just skipping a paragraph or two to get the story bumping along again. It felt this way a few times in the beginning and then more the further you get into the book. I don't know if it is because this is from the point of view of Jax and you've got to go through situations that you already experienced with the previous novel just to get his side of things and at times, that felt like straight up re-reading or if it was because his character didn't seem as complete this time. It wasn't enough to ruin the book for me but it was enough to drop a star off of my rating. 

This is an amazing series. It's one I read while cuddled up under blankets with a steaming cup of coffee next to me while I lost myself within the pages. I know that I'll read this series again and I really hope that she writes another one that grabs me like this one did. 

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